The Role Of Family Mediation In A Divorce

The degree to which mediation will play a role in your divorce depends on where you file. Because divorce law differs by state, certain conditions will mandate that you attend mediation before bringing your issues to a judge. In Florida, you will likely have to go through mediation before trial if you are involved in a contested divorce. In other areas outside of family law, a judge may strongly encourage mediation Read More

Communicating Responsibly With Your Ex-Spouse

When you look through our blogs, you will notice a theme throughout our content. When people go through a divorce, we advocate that they consider the long-term consequences of their actions. Those who default to a short-term mindset are more likely to attack their spouse through their attorney as a form of retribution or fight for custody because they want to pay less in child support. Any validation you get from Read More

Embrace The Possibilities Of A Collaborative Divorce

Not only are there a significant number of people who don’t want to fight through their divorce, but there are also those who recognize it isn’t an effective form of conflict resolution. Think of a time you were verbally attacked, yelled at, or threatened. Did anything about that situation make you want to stop what you were doing and help the person attacking you? If anything, you came out of that confrontation with Read More

What Exactly Are Prenuptial Agreements?

There are an extensive amount of misconceptions and half-truths surrounding prenuptial agreements. Before we elaborate on their benefits, we must establish what they are not. When people think of them, they likely imagine the higher earning spouse asking someone to sign one to protect only their assets. That is why some people have come to view them as one-sided.  The Truth About Prenuptial Agreements  Not only do Read More

The Importance Of A Strong Parenting Plan

You cannot underestimate the challenge of being a parent during a divorce. You are going through one of the most emotionally difficult periods of your life. As much as you are struggling, and understandably so, your children need you to be the best parent you can be. They crave consistency during a time when there are numerous variables. During these situations, shift your focus onto the elements that you have Read More

Relocating With Your Child After A Divorce

Divorcing parents must create a parenting plan pursuant to Florida law. Parenting plans are documents that outline the custodial agreemen. It states which parent has timesharing with the child, for how long, how long you plan to handle vacations and holidays, and anything else you and your attorney want to include regarding how you and your spouse will share custody. Despite having a parenting plan already in place, Read More

A Guide For Divorcing Parents

Divorce can be complex and emotional. It becomes even more so when children are involved. During the divorce process, you will have to make difficult decisions and be willing to compromise. You should consider and process your questions before meeting with an attorney. When you meet with your family law attorney, you should be in a position to discuss and work through certain issues that will be a part of the divorce Read More

Equitable Distribution In Florida

Equitable distribution is easily misunderstood. One of the reasons for this may be that people associate equitable distribution with a 50/50 division of assets and debts. However, equitable distribution does not mean an equal 50/50 split. That would only occur in a state that has community property laws. Community property states assume that everything acquired during a marriage (debts, liabilities, and assets) are Read More

Calculating Child Support In Florida

Some of the terms used during the divorce process may generate more questions than answers. For instance, when inquiring about how your assets get divided, you may discover that Florida is an equitable distribution state. Though some people could interpret that to mean an even 50/50 (i.e., equal) split, that would be inaccurate. “Fair” would be a more accurate way to describe the term—which could ultimately be 50/50, Read More

Drop The Stress & Work Towards An Uncontested Divorce

Some Parts of Divorce Don’t Have to be a Fight Is your divorce contested? Your lawyer may ask you this during your initial consultation if you are beginning the process. The difference between an uncontested divorce and a contested one is whether there is anything left for the court to decide. Have you and your former spouse reached an agreement on the following issues? Child custody Child support Visitation Read More